Шилкины картины

Галерея Шилкиной странички

Top rated - Pencil / Карандаш
Студия ТТУ.1740 viewsВесна 2002;
(11 votes)
T-bag, 31657 viewsThird attempt. Not successful. First time drawing after a long break.22222
(24 votes)
Срисовка с пастельного рисунка девушки.1910 viewsДекабрь 2002;
белая бумага, карандаш.
5 comments22222
(26 votes)
Богиня.1396 views22222
(15 votes)
1172 views22222
(15 votes)
Aliks_art1515 viewsThis is very nice young woman from LJ! I like her photos very much. :)))22222
(19 votes)
Wild1045 viewsThis picture was done at the evening right before day when my brades were taken off from my head. And somehow my hairdresser did the haircut similar in the whole to the picture... =) 3 comments22222
(20 votes)
Оскар.1361 views2001;
А3, карандаш.
(18 votes)
Pei Feng1284 viewsPei is very successful recearcher in cancer area, she works in Amerika, and we met on the Zinc Signals 2006' conference. Pei and me went for some days to visit Roma after conference and Pei asked from me to meet and to draw her, so I did this portrait in the reception hall of Milton Roma hotel. She gave me a gift for this... I will newer forget our evening in Roma, because it was something special for us both... 22222
(10 votes)
Life...839 viewsThis what Life is... We are very beautiful and happy in the middle of our life, but sometimes we do not have enough strenght to face the future... =)))
Done in about one hour, from my imagination. Never before drawed old people, even from models, so it was hard to draw the right part of drawing, there are a lot of mistakes...
Bad shot, as usual... =)
(8 votes)
Belly Dancer.862 viewsJust small drawing. Karina asked it as a gift, I was agree. So, this is now at Karina's hands. 22222
(6 votes)
My prince...881 viewsI know about disproportions and so on... But this was the way I wanted to draw it. I did not finished it, and I think I will not finish it... =)22222
(6 votes)
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