Шилкины картины

Галерея Шилкиной странички

Top rated - Step by Step / Шаг за шагом
Version 3.234 views11111
(9 votes)
Eva Kopera: шаг второй.782 views12-13 июля 2005;
Польша, Варшава;
Пастель(белая, черная и серая одного оттенка), пастельная бумага Canson синевато-серого цвета.

Добавление серой пастели и уточнение контуров.
(9 votes)
Tattoo 01617 viewsFirst step: drawing of the tiger and lion in Tribal style.11111
(17 votes)
Wall Angel263 viewsPicture was done on the wall of my room in Warsaw. The time of working was about 2 mounths, from May till July 2005. Medium: charcgoal. The present condition is not known.11111
(7 votes)
Eva Kopera: фотография.726 views11111
(10 votes)
Eva Kopera: шаг первый.835 views12-13 июля 2005;
Польша, Варшава;
Пастель(белая, черная и серая одного оттенка), пастельная бумага Canson синевато-серого цвета.

Проработка черной пастелью.
(8 votes)
Step 2358 viewsAbout week later...11111
(6 votes)
Step 2583 viewsStarted spring-summer 2005.11111
(6 votes)
Witch: step 1.409 views15 december 2005;
Poland, Warsaw;
Pastel paper А3, pastels;
Time: about 3 hours;
Reference: picture;

This is an order for a child, which I received recently. Today I could not assleep because of my illness, and decided to draw. Also because my close friend shared with me his happiness which gave me an external energy for drawing =) It was a proper moment, ideal time. When I finished the time was around 4 o'clock i the morning... And the drawing is still not finished... =)))
(13 votes)
Present condition: fragment.287 viewsJanuary 2006.00000
(5 votes)
Step 01: The very beginning.297 viewsFirst pencil sketch done from imagination. I will invite both people to do faces before starting with oil.00000
(6 votes)
Leopard: Step 1402 views08 november 2005;
Poland, Warsaw;
Pastel paper А3, pastels;
Time: about 2 hour;
Reference: no, just imagination;

First of all I decided to draw an human, but I had a dream of drawing an human combining with an animal, for instance, leopard or cat. I think, next time I will take drawing a bit more into paper, because I do not like cutted hear... And next time may be I will draw also a figure...
(6 votes)
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