Шилкины картины

Галерея Шилкиной странички

Top rated - Step by Step / Шаг за шагом
Step 1397 viewsStarted spring-summer 2005.11111
(6 votes)
Step 2187 viewsCovered with some pastel.11111
(3 votes)
Step 3: colours.376 views11111
(25 votes)
Wall Angel341 viewsPicture was done on the wall of my room in Warsaw. The time of working was about 2 mounths, from May till July 2005. Medium: charcgoal. The present condition is not known.11111
(10 votes)
Step 2: changing some colors and finishing.497 views20 december 2005;
Poland, Warsaw;
Pastel paper А3, pastels;
Time: about 30 min;

Decided to change some colours, add more violet and yellow one in right upper corner. Added some violet to the shadows.
(7 votes)
Variant 3330 views19 january 2005;
Poland, Warsaw;
Pastel paper А3, pastel;
Time: about 4 hours;
Reference: some photos;

Last variant under glass. =)
(7 votes)
Море против человека: законченная работа в раме.545 viewsИюль 2005;
Польша, Варшава;
Пастельная бумага Canson серо-голубого цвета, пастель.

Именно металлическая рама серебристого цвета как нельзя лучше подошла к этой работе.
2 comments11111
(11 votes)
Step 1: new picture.374 viewsNew picture, with differently coloured paper...11111
(19 votes)
Step 3383 viewsStill not finished because I had to go to Poland... =) I plan to finish it soon. It is gift and will be sended to Russia to Vadim.11111
(8 votes)
Eva Kopera: завершенная работа.893 views12-13 июля 2005;
Польша, Варшава;
Пастель(белая, черная и серая одного оттенка), пастельная бумага Canson синевато-серого цвета.

Белую пастель взяла в руки в последний момент, чтобы создать настроение рисунка и завершить работу.
(9 votes)
Tattoo 03690 viewsFinishing the tree.11111
(9 votes)
Step 1:1035 views14 december 2005;
Poland, Warsaw;
Pastel paper А3, pastels;
Time: about 1 hour;
Reference: some black-a-white photos and imagination;

This is a present for my very very good friend Lilia for Christmas. I specially did not said to her about picture, so she do not know anything about that it is almost finished! =) I wanted to create more grafical stily with a pastel on this picture, to give more life and at the same time to show, that it is a picture. =)
4 comments11111
(15 votes)
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