Шилкины картины

Галерея Шилкиной странички
Top rated
Variant 1318 views15, 16 january 2005;
Poland, Warsaw;
Pastel paper А3, pastel;
Time: about 4 hours;
Reference: some photos;

After finishing this variant I asked a help from Edyta, who ordered this from me, are they similar to real people or not. They are, but some things have to be changed. =)
(8 votes)
My Princess1857 views20-21 oktober 2005;
Poland, Warsaw;
А3, various pencils;

I finished it about 2 o'clock at night, I was drawing for about 1,5 hours. I took a photo as a beginning (I liked the expression on her face) and then I putted photo away and was following my emotions. I am not fully satisfied with this drawing, but I like it. I putted too much inside... =)
PS: gifted to Anja and Peter.
3 comments22222
(35 votes)
Selfportrait1741 viewsI did this portrait while staying in Poland. I did it in the bathroom, because there was biggest mirror at whole room.1 comments22222
(22 votes)
2007/2008870 viewsThis year most powerful emotions were connected to Japan, that is why I decided to draw a japanese geisha for him. And also, I used acrylic paint for the first time creating a gift. :)))22222
(11 votes)
Flowers for Katja: bluebell813 views22222
(11 votes)
Thinking About You885 viewsDuring drawing of this peace I was thinking about my beloved man, my destiny and my sorrow... Bad shot (it was dark). 22222
(11 votes)
1414 viewsНачало 2002;
Студия Галины Николаевны.
(11 votes)
Девушка и лошадь.1978 viewsМай-июнь 2003;
70x50, тонированная пастельная бумага зеленого цвета, пастель.
Окончательный вариант в раме.
3 comments22222
(39 votes)
Контрасты.1125 viewsИюнь-июль 2004;
примерно 38х33, тонированная пастельная бумага темного болотного зеленого цвета, пастель.

Без рамы. Пока.
(14 votes)
1513 viewsНачало 2002;
А2, грифель.
Студия ТТУ.
1 comments22222
(14 votes)
Michael RIP1758 viewsIt was a history. I was not fan of him, but somehow I feel sorrow about his death...22222
(23 votes)
Женя.834 views22222
(23 votes)
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