Шилкины картины

Галерея Шилкиной странички
Top rated
1396 views2001;
А3, карандаш.
1 comments22222
(20 votes)
Elf770 viewsSketch.22222
(9 votes)
Step 3679 viewsStill not finished.22222
(9 votes)
Wall Angel319 viewsPicture was done on the wall of my room in Warsaw. The time of working was about 2 mounths, from May till July 2005. Medium: charcgoal. The present condition is not known.22222
(9 votes)
Eva465 views22222
(25 votes)
Наташа (портрет 4) в рамке.788 viewsПортрет нарисован в подарок на День Рождения Наташе от Миронова Вадима. Все шесть портретов отправлены в Россию, город Димитровград. Два портрета выполнены пастелью, четыре портрета остальных - карандашом и грифелем и находятся в разделе Карандаш/Портреты.
Для этого портрета была сделана рамка.
(16 votes)
Jelena's husband778 viewsCommission.22222
(32 votes)
Dark Angel, step 03582 viewsDone totally in Photoshop, changing some colours. Not finished.22222
(14 votes)
Time: fragment1045 views28 February 2006;
Estonia, Tallinn;
А3, pencil, charcgoal;
Time: about 15 min;
Reference: no;
1 comments22222
(14 votes)
Step 5: finished work.463 views27 january 2006;
Poland, Warsaw;
Pastel paper А3, pastel;
Time: about 2 hours;
Reference: model - Kasja;
(7 votes)
Wall Angel281 viewsPicture was done on the wall of my room in Warsaw. The time of working was about 2 mounths, from May till July 2005. Medium: charcgoal. The present condition is not known.22222
(7 votes)
Evelin, second portrait.747 viewsSometimes, very seldom, I see someone and then I JUST KNOW that I will draw picture. This time I knew that next day after I saw her at party of our friend I will do this picture. Once I already drew Evelin. Now I know that she will be always one of my favourite "models", so I hope this is not last time. :) And now I know that I have to teach how to draw hands... On the portrait all is real except ear and earring.22222
(26 votes)
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