Top rated |
1396 views2001;
А3, карандаш. (20 votes)
Elf770 viewsSketch. (9 votes)
Step 3679 viewsStill not finished. (9 votes)
Wall Angel319 viewsPicture was done on the wall of my room in Warsaw. The time of working was about 2 mounths, from May till July 2005. Medium: charcgoal. The present condition is not known. (9 votes)
Наташа (портрет 4) в рамке.788 viewsПортрет нарисован в подарок на День Рождения Наташе от Миронова Вадима. Все шесть портретов отправлены в Россию, город Димитровград. Два портрета выполнены пастелью, четыре портрета остальных - карандашом и грифелем и находятся в разделе Карандаш/Портреты.
Для этого портрета была сделана рамка. (16 votes)
Jelena's husband778 viewsCommission. (32 votes)
Dark Angel, step 03582 viewsDone totally in Photoshop, changing some colours. Not finished. (14 votes)
Time: fragment1045 views28 February 2006;
Estonia, Tallinn;
А3, pencil, charcgoal;
Time: about 15 min;
Reference: no; (14 votes)
Step 5: finished work.463 views27 january 2006;
Poland, Warsaw;
Pastel paper А3, pastel;
Time: about 2 hours;
Reference: model - Kasja; (7 votes)
Wall Angel281 viewsPicture was done on the wall of my room in Warsaw. The time of working was about 2 mounths, from May till July 2005. Medium: charcgoal. The present condition is not known. (7 votes)
Evelin, second portrait.747 viewsSometimes, very seldom, I see someone and then I JUST KNOW that I will draw picture. This time I knew that next day after I saw her at party of our friend I will do this picture. Once I already drew Evelin. Now I know that she will be always one of my favourite "models", so I hope this is not last time. :) And now I know that I have to teach how to draw hands... On the portrait all is real except ear and earring. (26 votes)
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