Шилкины картины

Галерея Шилкиной странички

Top rated - Portrait: Evelin, 14 February/ Портрет: Эвелин, на 14 Февраля
Gift for 14 February279 viewsSecond attempt was more successful. :)))22222
(4 votes)
Gift for 14 February: final version one.308 viewsFinal version, done for frame 30x50.22222
(11 votes)
Gift for 14 February, framing.345 viewsFramed picture is 30x40, and I changed some things, so do like this mch more, than it was previously. Frame is silver color, and a bit green, so it is like extension of green color in corners. :)22222
(10 votes)
Gift for 14 February294 viewsFirst attempt to draw a picture, but this was not the best idea. :)22222
(4 votes)
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