Top rated - Indian Ink and Ballpen / Тушь и ручка |
Winter School, 07438 viewsThinking about things in heart... (6 votes)
Winter School, 04378 views (6 votes)
Winter School, 03361 views (6 votes)
Elf, sketch.319 viewsOriginally done during lectures on Zn Signals conference using blue pencil. (6 votes)
Winter School, 01339 views (5 votes)
Dragon sketch.315 viewsOriginally done during lectures on Zn Signals conference using blue pencil. (5 votes)
Dragon 002328 viewsOne more dragon, sea dragon, wothout any wings... =) (5 votes)
Bez384 viewsThere are something I need the most...
UPD: Gifted to Lena (InBio). (5 votes)
Эдита442 views20 июня 2004;
Польша, Варшава;
Лист А4, ручка;
Один из двух вариантов портрета с фото.
(8 votes)
Drugs659 views20 november 2005;
Poland, Warsaw;
А3, blue pen;
Time: about 30 min;
Reference: no;
After watching the movie "Igla" with Viktor Coj in main feature. Deep and heavy movie, and I wanted to put impression from this on the peace of paper. I understood, that for me it is easier to put my emosions through the drawing of the faces of people from my mind... (12 votes)
Сидели мы как-то в гостях у Арвика...1492 views2002;
синяя ручка. (21 votes)
Маме на день рождения.1379 viewsЯнварь 2002;
А3, тушь, желтая краска. (20 votes)
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