Most viewed - Indian Ink and Ballpen / Тушь и ручка |
TAURUS - zlodella632 viewsZlodella is nick in Livejournal. :)
Stay...606 views18 november 2005;
Poland, Warsaw;
А3, blue pen;
Time: about 10-15 min;
Reference: no;
No comments. Just drawing. Actually, do not mean anything, I was just following my imagination.
AQUARIUS - ptica_lo604 viewsPtica_lo is a nick in Livejournal.
VIRGO - branwensm (not coloured)548 viewsBranwensm is a nick in Livejournal.
Sadness529 views17 november 2005;
Poland, Warsaw;
А3, blue pen;
Time: about 10-15 min;
Reference: no;
I was a bit disappointed and sad at the moment of drawing.
VIRGO - branwensm (coloured)487 viewsBranwensm is a nick in Livejournal.
I am Your Angel! Wait for Me...484 views25 november 2005;
Poland, Warsaw;
А3, various pencils;
Time: about 20 min;
Reference: no;
Let's take as a truth presence of Angel in behind of our right shoulder. Then it logical, that there is a Devil in behind of left shoulder! Who will win? =)
Heaven is here...470 views08 december 2005;
Poland, Warsaw;
А3, pencil;
Time: about 10 min;
Reference: no;
This is one of my favourites... =)
UPD: gifted to Dave C.
GEMINI - tune_babe457 viewsTune_babe in Livejournal. Always smiling and always very kind. :)))
Blue451 views03 november 2005;
Poland, Warsaw;
А3, various pencils;
Time: about 15 min;
Attempt to scetch very unusual and interestind profile of girl's face I saw in bus one day.
Bad shot, as usual... =)
JSS451 viewsThis was done at the first page of my notebook during some seminar. :)
Эдита442 views20 июня 2004;
Польша, Варшава;
Лист А4, ручка;
Один из двух вариантов портрета с фото.
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