Шилкины картины

Галерея Шилкиной странички
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Angel of feelings778 viewsSketch.
Jelena's husband778 viewsCommission.
Marjanna777 viewsМарьяна приехала в Польшу с Украины, она обладает чисто украинскими чертами лица и замечательным веселым характером. Я захотела ее нарисовать сразу, как увидела. =)
Рисовала с натуры.
You Is All I Need777 viewsThird one done at the same evening. This is strange how do we feel about love and life. It is important to us to have only one person who will be everything for us: our light, our wings, our destiny, our another half. But then you have it, it became very usual and we do not recognize, that person near us is those only one, who do we need and who do we care about... And the most important thing we really need - is to be near... Bad shot (it was dark).
Laptop 02773 viewsNot finished. =)
She Is Like a Wind772 viewsCan you see her hair flying on the wind? Can you see happiness on her face? Can you imagine, what was the purpose of drawing that? Just imagine a moment, when you are very tired, but so happy and full of this emotions, that you need to draw something...
Elf770 viewsSketch.
My mam767 viewsThis is my beloved mother - Galina. =)))
Portrait with a horse762 viewsThis one of my good freinds. I really like this young woman, she is very light, bright and cheerful. She likes horses and likes to ride sometimes. I did this portrait in exchange for her portrait of me, she did my portrait with a horse in pencil. :)))
Алина760 views
Edyta Kopera760 viewsВремя рисования - примерно 3 часа, рисовала с фотографии. Без рамы, но рама уже заказана. Первая серьезная работа в Варшаве, после покупки хорошей дорогой пастели, к которой пришлось привыкнуть. =)))
Рисунок искажен, потому что пришлось делать фотографию с согнутого листа, к тому же цветовая гамма рисунка более светлая, меньше желтого. Надеюсь сфотографировать рисунок в раме лучше.
Песочные часы.759 views1998
Цикл: Лунный цикл.
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