Шилкины картины

Галерея Шилкиной странички
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Tanja890 viewsGift for HNY 2009.
А это моё полосатое Солнышко! >:)888 views
Olga (keemik)888 viewsOlga is young scientist in the chemistry field. She is calm, and I was happy to meet her at my house.
Вика886 viewsЯ, Вика и портрет.
Svetik886 viewsThis is a portrait of a very bright and cheerful young woman and mother. I was really happy to meet her in my life! :)))
2001/2002885 viewsЭтот рисунок был первым, который я подарила моему дорогому Тигрышке на новый 2002 год. Копия с рисунка Леонардо до Винчи, к тому же, это мой первый рисунок сангиной.
Thinking About You885 viewsDuring drawing of this peace I was thinking about my beloved man, my destiny and my sorrow... Bad shot (it was dark).
Танец884 viewsНабросок.
20060108_Give me the wings.jpg
Give me the wings...884 viewsOne person was amazed about this picture and said to me, that I am very talented... But I think, may be the shadow around her eyes is a bit too dark.
Nur882 viewsNur is a brother of Zhakina. It was really interesting to draw such a funny face of a boy! :)))
Дочь Алисы.881 views
My prince...881 viewsI know about disproportions and so on... But this was the way I wanted to draw it. I did not finished it, and I think I will not finish it... =)
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