Шилкины картины

Галерея Шилкиной странички
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Passion936 viewsI was not using sanguine for a very long time... :)
Olga (Lilitka)936 viewsShe is young mother and just very funny and beautiful girl. :)
Happy New Year 2007!934 views
Fallen Angel927 viewsOne of the first drawings done during second staying at IBB in Warsaw. It was the first which was done just following my heart feelings. Not very good one, but it is always good to draw something which is really trying to go outside from your heart at particular moment. Bad shot (it was dark).
Sketch926 viewsI decided to try new technique, but paper was not suitable, and it is better to use photo as reference, not imagination, for the first time.
Wall in Katja's flat, fragment926 viewsThis is a wall in very modern house, just finished. There is one room, big and nonsymmetrical, one wall in front of this is from glass. Drawing is done on major straight wall in front of glass wall, and it is about 6-7 meters long. There is place for sofa inside the drawing. On opposite narrow walls in between of windows some japanise calligraphy are done.
Birds are Japanese cranes. Trees are stylish Sakura.
Jaroslav, unfinished.926 viewsUnfinished. Gift for my friend.
Wall 2: manaura924 viewsThis is wall at my friend's flat. We needed to use a corner. Leopard was first a joke, and only then it took it's place on the wall, on the second day. Still not finished, will be finished next weekend.1 comments
Gosia923 viewsГося - замечательная веселая девушка, по-моему портрет ей понравился. Я ее нарисовала именно так, как я ее вижу. =)1 comments
Insider920 viewsAfter two tryings at last I drew something... But I still do not like this...
Пушкин А.С.919 viewsСтык 2004-2005;
Масло, холст на подрамнике.

Несколько слоев масла все равно не оставили меня удовлетворенной своей работой. Думаю, возьмусь за этот портрет еще чуть позже. Нарисовано в подарок.
Anna and Pavel918 viewsThey are very nice people who did I meet recently and started to communicate. :)
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