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Галерея Шилкиной странички

Most viewed - Portrait, pastel / Портреты пастелью
Frosen sun586 viewsUnfortunately, I was so stupid, to do a photo shot after putting picture under glass... So, this is not best picture, I used Photoshop to do it's colors at least be similar to real life...

In the whole, It was a pleasure to do this portrait. Taja is very interesting person, and she seem to be very strong for me. :))) And her face is interesting to draw.
Anastassia582 viewsShe found me through the internet, and today she was at my home and I did this portrait. I really liked this young woman. :)
Redzmey578 viewsPortrait of the photographer. :)))
Family: framed574 viewsSorry for the quality of the photo...
Kairit574 viewsThis is Kairit, my good friend. She is wonderful, what can I say more!!! I was waiting to draw her for such a long time! And now - that is it! :) Of course, this is not like she sitted in front of me, wearing all this stuff, - I imagined her in this way. :)
Katrina Kivimäe573 viewsThis nice girl is my colleague in laboratory. :)
Family560 viewsThis is a portrait for my friend, Marina. She wants to gift it to their parents. There are 4 people on the picture: 3 sisters (including Marina) and brother. :)
For Aida, framed.543 viewsFrame is really very good for this picture! In this frame portrait became finished artwork. :)
Tune_Baby541 viewsThis is one really wonderful girl, her name is Tanja. She and her boyfriend, Kirill, visited me today and I did her portrait. I enjoyed to do that, because she is really beautiful. Unfortunately, I had not much time, so I had to mobilize myself and create something like this... :)))
Son of Natasha.511 views:))))
Jake Sully, finished358 views
Zlatoruk332 views
155 files on 13 page(s) 12

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