Шилкины картины

Галерея Шилкиной странички

Last additions - Pastel / Пастель
Natalia's mother839 viewsThis is a gift for mother of my friend at her birthday. Picture was ordered. :)May 28, 2008
Nur882 viewsNur is a brother of Zhakina. It was really interesting to draw such a funny face of a boy! :)))Mar 03, 2008
Olga (Lilitka)936 viewsShe is young mother and just very funny and beautiful girl. :)Mar 01, 2008
Anna and Pavel918 viewsThey are very nice people who did I meet recently and started to communicate. :)Feb 15, 2008
Zhakina Karlygash1095 viewsThis extremely beautiful young woman is from Kazachstan. It was apleasure to work with this portrait. :)1 commentsJan 22, 2008
Andrey's brother950 viewsThis is a portrait of yanger brother of Andrey (redzmey). :)))1 commentsJan 10, 2008
Aliks_art, WIP848 viewsThis is one nice girl from London. I have never seen her in real life, but I was amazed by her pictures in the internet. She has very tender beauty, in my opinion.Jan 04, 2008
Aliks_art, finished912 viewsThis is one nice girl from London. I have never seen her in real life, but I was amazed by her pictures in the internet. She has very tender beauty, in my opinion.1 commentsJan 04, 2008
Family portrait, commission833 viewsCommission from LJ: Aylo. Larger part of picture was done from one picture, one person was added from another. :)Jan 01, 2008
Kiss, commission852 viewsCommissioned as gift for a new year. It was really interesting to work on such a picture. :)Jan 01, 2008
Ann and Pavel794 viewsCommission.Dec 14, 2007
Oksana832 views:)Nov 15, 2007
215 files on 18 page(s) 4

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