Шилкины картины

Галерея Шилкиной странички

Last additions - Step by Step / Шаг за шагом
Step 5: finished work.463 views27 january 2006;
Poland, Warsaw;
Pastel paper А3, pastel;
Time: about 2 hours;
Reference: model - Kasja;
Jan 29, 2006
Step 3383 viewsStill not finished because I had to go to Poland... =) I plan to finish it soon. It is gift and will be sended to Russia to Vadim.Jan 25, 2006
Step 1320 viewsI started to draw it somewhere spring-summer 2005. Jan 25, 2006
SBS_Vadim_1 (1).jpg
Step 2297 viewsA week after...Jan 25, 2006
Step 3481 viewsStill not finished... Because I had to go to Poland. But definitely will be. =)Jan 25, 2006
Step 2358 viewsAbout week later...Jan 25, 2006
Step 1397 viewsStarted spring-summer 2005.Jan 25, 2006
Step 3679 viewsStill not finished.Jan 25, 2006
Step 2583 viewsStarted spring-summer 2005.Jan 25, 2006
Present condition: fragment.314 viewsJanuary 2006.Jan 25, 2006
Present condition: fragment.287 viewsJanuary 2006.Jan 25, 2006
Present condition350 viewsJanuary 2006.

When I returned back to my room in the end of september 2005, the picture was still on the wall. Since that time for about 4 mounths I was working a little bit on it and the main change I did was: I added colours. =)
Still it is not finished, and noe I do not know, will I have an opportunity to finish it or not... And the destiny of this picture is not clear also.
Jan 25, 2006
112 files on 10 page(s) 6

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