
Last additions - Drawings from childhood / Детские рисунки |

Dog 1645 viewsI even did not remebered this picture, but this is really my drawing! I did it for my friend, and through the years young woman found me and gave a photos of this drawings. How do this woman connected to my friend is clear but some thing remain enigmatic... :)))May 07, 2007

Dog 2574 viewsI even did not remebered this picture, but this is really my drawing! I did it for my friend, and through the years young woman found me and gave a photos of this drawings. How do this woman connected to my friend is clear but some thing remain enigmatic... :)))May 07, 2007

Дочь Неба.1433 views1999
Подарок маме на Новый год. Jun 19, 2003

Рисунок лошади.2114 views1998
Jun 19, 2003

Девочка с котятами.2259 views2000
Подарок маме. Jun 19, 2003

Небесный ветер.1567 views1998
Цикл: Лунный цикл. Jun 19, 2003

Русалка.1603 views2000
Рисунок относится к Лунному циклу. Jun 19, 2003

Урания.1556 views1998
Цикл: Лунный цикл. Jun 19, 2003

Рождающая звёзды (начало мира).1289 views1998
Цикл: Лунный цикл. Jun 19, 2003

Рождающая звёзды (начало мира) II.1141 views1998
Цикл: Лунный цикл. Jun 19, 2003

С этого рисунка все и началось!894 viewsJun 19, 2003

Путеводная звезда.878 views1998
Цикл: Лунный цикл. Jun 19, 2003
