Шилкины картины

Галерея Шилкиной странички
Last comments
Drugs659 views20 november 2005;
Poland, Warsaw;
А3, blue pen;
Time: about 30 min;
Reference: no;

After watching the movie "Igla" with Viktor Coj in main feature. Deep and heavy movie, and I wanted to put impression from this on the peace of paper. I understood, that for me it is easier to put my emosions through the drawing of the faces of people from my mind...
3 comments11/21/05 at 10:28WILO: A vrode pocti kazdyj den' v laboratorii ispol'zuju...
Kasja1142 viewsKasja is really nice person, and she has really interesting face from drawing point of view. Thats why I proposed to her to draw her portrait, and she was not against. We both, I hope, has exellent evening together, not only drawing, but also talking. =)4 comments11/20/05 at 14:32Bedazzle: Сегодня читал, как ты его рисовала.
Leopard: Step 1588 views08 november 2005;
Poland, Warsaw;
Pastel paper А3, pastels;
Time: about 2 hour;
Reference: no, just imagination;

This is the end stage. I decided to pick up a dark fone, because I had a feeling it will look better on such a fone. =)
2 comments11/20/05 at 14:29Bedazzle: Нету такого слова - "fone". Есть "b...
Wind648 views17 november 2005;
Poland, Warsaw;
А3, blue pen;
Time: about 15-20 min;
Reference: no;

Just next interpretation of wind in my head and movement of my changing mood. =)
2 comments11/20/05 at 14:28Bedazzle: I like it.
Sadness529 views17 november 2005;
Poland, Warsaw;
А3, blue pen;
Time: about 10-15 min;
Reference: no;

I was a bit disappointed and sad at the moment of drawing.
2 comments11/20/05 at 14:27Bedazzle: Чё с грудями? Шилса, срочно рисовать акты!
Stay...606 views18 november 2005;
Poland, Warsaw;
А3, blue pen;
Time: about 10-15 min;
Reference: no;

No comments. Just drawing. Actually, do not mean anything, I was just following my imagination.
2 comments11/20/05 at 14:26Bedazzle: Карашо.
Drugs659 views20 november 2005;
Poland, Warsaw;
А3, blue pen;
Time: about 30 min;
Reference: no;

After watching the movie "Igla" with Viktor Coj in main feature. Deep and heavy movie, and I wanted to put impression from this on the peace of paper. I understood, that for me it is easier to put my emosions through the drawing of the faces of people from my mind...
3 comments11/20/05 at 14:25Bedazzle: Похоже, тебе надо предметами заняться. Шприц получ...
Kasja1142 viewsKasja is really nice person, and she has really interesting face from drawing point of view. Thats why I proposed to her to draw her portrait, and she was not against. We both, I hope, has exellent evening together, not only drawing, but also talking. =)4 comments11/18/05 at 13:42Wilo: Da, navernoe eto luchwij moj portret. Mne kazetsja...
Kasja1142 viewsKasja is really nice person, and she has really interesting face from drawing point of view. Thats why I proposed to her to draw her portrait, and she was not against. We both, I hope, has exellent evening together, not only drawing, but also talking. =)4 comments11/17/05 at 12:45Bedazzle: WOW...
My Princess1857 views20-21 oktober 2005;
Poland, Warsaw;
А3, various pencils;

I finished it about 2 o'clock at night, I was drawing for about 1,5 hours. I took a photo as a beginning (I liked the expression on her face) and then I putted photo away and was following my emotions. I am not fully satisfied with this drawing, but I like it. I putted too much inside... =)
PS: gifted to Anja and Peter.
3 comments10/25/05 at 12:43Bedazzle: Amazing!
Роза2246 viewsНе помню, когда нарисовала, но тогда еще не было возможности сканировать (дорого было), поетому я просто сделала копию с карандашного рисунка. Самого рисунка у меня не осталось.
Карандаш на белой бумаге А4; ксерокопия.
1 comments10/20/05 at 16:15BUBA: Prosto snog shibatekno! ! !
Рисунок с настоящего черепа в фас.1904 viewsСтудия Галины Николаевны. 1 comments10/20/05 at 16:13BUBA: Krasivo narisovano mne nravitsja, o4en' naturalist...
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