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Лошади.1480 viewsАвгуст 2002;
50х65, зелёная пастельная бумага, пастель.
01/23/06 at 11:56Your name: 5 с минусом. Больше чувствуй и следи за формой. Хо...
Wild1045 viewsThis picture was done at the evening right before day when my brades were taken off from my head. And somehow my hairdresser did the haircut similar in the whole to the picture... =) 01/23/06 at 11:53Your name: проследи за пропорциями тела...шея, плечи...Так же...
Пегас у моря.2022 viewsСентябрь-ноябрь 2003.
Масло, картонный ученический холст.
Первая проба кисти маслом на холсте.
Фото, к сожалению, не отражает всей действительности...01/23/06 at 11:50Your name: даже знаю, откуда взята фигура пегаса...
Дельфины.1303 viewsФевраль 2002;
А4, синяя бумага, пастель.
Дельфины - одни из моих любимых животных. Рисовала дома, больная.01/23/06 at 11:48Your name: хвостовой плавник сделай чуть светлее
Step 1:1035 views14 december 2005;
Poland, Warsaw;
Pastel paper А3, pastels;
Time: about 1 hour;
Reference: some black-a-white photos and imagination;
This is a present for my very very good friend Lilia for Christmas. I specially did not said to her about picture, so she do not know anything about that it is almost finished! =) I wanted to create more grafical stily with a pastel on this picture, to give more life and at the same time to show, that it is a picture. =)01/20/06 at 15:54admin: Just write an e-mail (wilo @ pizza.ee, without spa...
Step 1:1035 views14 december 2005;
Poland, Warsaw;
Pastel paper А3, pastels;
Time: about 1 hour;
Reference: some black-a-white photos and imagination;
This is a present for my very very good friend Lilia for Christmas. I specially did not said to her about picture, so she do not know anything about that it is almost finished! =) I wanted to create more grafical stily with a pastel on this picture, to give more life and at the same time to show, that it is a picture. =)01/19/06 at 19:37PERCHUGUN: tell us more aboute our technick plz, love it
Маме на день рождения.1379 viewsЯнварь 2002;
А3, тушь, желтая краска. 01/19/06 at 19:32PERCHUGUN: coooool really coooooole, I love it so much 100% :...
Stay...606 views18 november 2005;
Poland, Warsaw;
А3, blue pen;
Time: about 10-15 min;
Reference: no;
No comments. Just drawing. Actually, do not mean anything, I was just following my imagination. 01/12/06 at 18:22Your name:
Wild1045 viewsThis picture was done at the evening right before day when my brades were taken off from my head. And somehow my hairdresser did the haircut similar in the whole to the picture... =) 01/09/06 at 08:05WILO: OKE, uchtu. =)
Wild1045 viewsThis picture was done at the evening right before day when my brades were taken off from my head. And somehow my hairdresser did the haircut similar in the whole to the picture... =) 01/08/06 at 12:59Backa: Слишком тёмный контур, делает тело слишком выпираю...
Лев1475 viewsначало 2005;
холст 30х30 см, масло;
В жизни картина немного светлее, более выделяются светлые участки, попробую исправить. =)01/03/06 at 19:36ИГОРЬ: ЧТО ЭТО ХОЛСТ НАПИШИ-OLDFOX73@RAMBLER.RU И П...
Пегас у моря.2022 viewsСентябрь-ноябрь 2003.
Масло, картонный ученический холст.
Первая проба кисти маслом на холсте.
Фото, к сожалению, не отражает всей действительности...01/03/06 at 19:32ИГОРЬ: ОБАЛДЕТЬ
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