Шилкины картины

Галерея Шилкиной странички

Last comments - Portrait, pastel / Портреты пастелью
Evelin1082 views1 comments06/14/06 at 21:27Your name:
Sasha (Krakow train)981 viewsIt was very interesting story how we met: I was travelling back to Warsaw after being home by bus, Sasha was travelling by same bus, but she had to get some train from Warsaw to Krakow at the same day. I decided to help her and took her to Central trainstation. I said that I will call the number she gave me when I will be back home. I called. We met in Tallinn. And I proposed to draw her... =)1 comments04/12/06 at 20:24Hooligan: молодец
Piotrek998 viewsReally nice person, very active and smily. Piotrek is working in the mass lab at IBB PAS in Warsaw. The paking of the portrait was really funny: it was paked into big box, fixed on the botom with scotc and then box was closed... =))))1 comments02/06/06 at 20:02max: Очень красиво нарисовано, мне понравилось. Продолж...
Dave Cook914 viewsActually, it was started at 21 of November and finished already next day. =)2 comments11/28/05 at 21:21Wilo: Happy to hear! =)
Dave Cook914 viewsActually, it was started at 21 of November and finished already next day. =)2 comments11/24/05 at 07:03derek: Very handsome looks just like his dad
Kasja1142 viewsKasja is really nice person, and she has really interesting face from drawing point of view. Thats why I proposed to her to draw her portrait, and she was not against. We both, I hope, has exellent evening together, not only drawing, but also talking. =)4 comments11/20/05 at 14:32Bedazzle: Сегодня читал, как ты его рисовала.
Kasja1142 viewsKasja is really nice person, and she has really interesting face from drawing point of view. Thats why I proposed to her to draw her portrait, and she was not against. We both, I hope, has exellent evening together, not only drawing, but also talking. =)4 comments11/18/05 at 13:42Wilo: Da, navernoe eto luchwij moj portret. Mne kazetsja...
Kasja1142 viewsKasja is really nice person, and she has really interesting face from drawing point of view. Thats why I proposed to her to draw her portrait, and she was not against. We both, I hope, has exellent evening together, not only drawing, but also talking. =)4 comments11/17/05 at 12:45Bedazzle: WOW...
Malgosja Bayer1004 views1 comments09/22/05 at 19:06Your name: как мне кажется -шея широкая слишком...а так велик...
Настя (законченный вариант).1176 viewsУ этого портрета интересная история. Начала я его примерно год назад (см незаконченный вариант), а закончила только сейчас. Девочка за это время подросла и похорошела, так что пришлось немного подправить и изменить. Рисунок выполнен примерно за два часа. Находится у Насти.1 comments04/26/05 at 00:59SharkyKissa: Мне очень нравится, как ты используешь цвета при т...
Свадьба.1147 viewsЭто мой подарок Ваське на нашу свадьбу. :)
Updated: Наконец то сделала фотографию лучше. =)
1 comments04/06/05 at 21:51Мишка: Замечательный подарок любимому человеку!
Автопортрет.1153 views1 comments02/21/05 at 13:46katya: Приглашаю вас посетить сайт www.graphic.org.ru - п...
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