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USER: ------------------ Array ( [ID] => 7ce5d55e67e9344da32d77bb0f3760f5 [am] => 1 [lang] => english ) ========================== USER DATA: ------------------ Array ( [user_id] => 0 [user_name] => Guest [groups] => Array ( [0] => 3 ) [group_quota] => 0 [can_rate_pictures] => 1 [can_send_ecards] => 0 [can_post_comments] => 1 [can_upload_pictures] => 0 [can_create_albums] => 0 [pub_upl_need_approval] => 1 [priv_upl_need_approval] => 1 [access_level] => 3 [disk_max] => 0 [disk_min] => 0 [has_admin_access] => 0 [group_name] => Anonymous [can_create_public_albums] => 0 [can_see_all_albums] => 0 [group_id] => 3 [allowed_albums] => Array ( ) ) ========================== Queries: ------------------ Array ( [0] => SELECT name, value FROM foto_config [include/init.inc.php:179] (0.53 ms) [1] => SELECT * FROM foto_plugins ORDER BY priority [include/plugin_api.inc.php:52] (0.12 ms) [2] => DELETE FROM `wilopizza_main`.foto_sessions WHERE time < 1737885877 AND remember = 0 [bridge/coppermine.inc.php:251] (0.1 ms) [3] => DELETE FROM `wilopizza_main`.foto_sessions WHERE time < 1736679877 [bridge/coppermine.inc.php:255] (0.1 ms) [4] => UPDATE foto_config SET value = 1737889477 WHERE name = 'session_cleanup' [bridge/coppermine.inc.php:259] (0.22 ms) [5] => SELECT MAX(group_quota) AS disk_max, MIN(group_quota) AS disk_min, MAX(can_rate_pictures) AS can_rate_pictures, MAX(can_send_ecards) AS can_send_ecards, MAX(can_post_comments) AS can_post_comments, MAX(can_upload_pictures) AS can_upload_pictures, MAX(can_create_albums) AS can_create_albums, MAX(has_admin_access) AS has_admin_access, MAX(access_level) AS access_level, MIN(pub_upl_need_approval) AS pub_upl_need_approval, MIN( priv_upl_need_approval) AS priv_upl_need_approval FROM foto_usergroups WHERE group_id in (3) [bridge/udb_base.inc.php:333] (0.19 ms) [6] => SELECT group_name FROM foto_usergroups WHERE group_id= 3 [bridge/udb_base.inc.php:337] (0.11 ms) [7] => SELECT COUNT(*) FROM foto_categorymap WHERE group_id in (3) [bridge/udb_base.inc.php:350] (0.13 ms) [8] => SELECT aid FROM foto_albums WHERE moderator_group IN (3) [include/init.inc.php:272] (0.17 ms) [9] => SELECT lang_id FROM foto_languages WHERE enabled='YES' [include/init.inc.php:330] (0.35 ms) [10] => DELETE FROM foto_banned WHERE expiry < '2025-01-26 13:04:37' [include/init.inc.php:444] (0.11 ms) [11] => SELECT null FROM foto_banned WHERE ('' LIKE ip_addr OR '' LIKE ip_addr ) AND brute_force=0 LIMIT 1 [include/init.inc.php:460] (0.15 ms) ) ========================== GET : ------------------ Array ( ) ========================== POST : ------------------ Array ( ) ========================== COOKIE : ------------------ Array ( ) ==========================